Groundhog Day for Pa. Budget

Remember the movie, Groundhog Day?

In it Bill Murray has the misfortune of waking up every day to the same thing – being in Punxsutawney for the day reserved for the state’s prognosticating rodent. Murray, himself a weatherman, hates everything about the nightmarish hoopla surrounding Groundhog Day.

Welcome to the Pennsylvania budget version of Groundhog Day.

Tom Corbett will emerge from the governor’s mansion today, see his shadow, and predict more budget cuts.

You can read the advance here.

It’s not going to be pretty. And education and social programs figure to be at the top of the list.

If you attend West Chester or Cheyney universities – or for that matter any of the state-related schools – brace yourself. It’s likely going to cost more. That’s because Corbett is looking to cut funding for the state universities. And that money has to be made up somehow. Guess who’s going to be stuck with the tab? You got it. Break out the checkbook.

The state continues to sink in a mire of red ink. Just how bad is it? Here’s a look at what appears to be a $500 million budget shortfall.

The governor speaks at 11:30.

Brace yourself; you’ve been warned.
