Where do you take a newspaper editor for his 60th birthday?

I think my family knows me too well.

To help me celebrate my 60th birthday, we visited my daughter in Washington, D.C. We were joined by our son.

So where do you take a newspaper editor for his 60th birthday? The Newseum, of course.

I picked up a souvenir with this T-shirt, which probably best represents my life for more than three decades.

In this week's print column, I talk a little about the notion of being 60.

And this overriding thought: Why does 60 sound so much older than 59?

I should do something special today for my last day as a 50-something.

Yeah, I'll probably read three of four newspapers.

Once a newsman, always a newsman.

Blog? Sure, I blog. But nothing will ever substitute for the tactile feel - and smell - of holding a newspaper in my hands.
