A common-sense move against problem DUI drivers

We used our editorial page today to tell the horror of the Hannagan family of Chester County.

They know all too well the tragedy that can ensue when someone drinks and then climbs behind the wheel of an automobile.

They lost two children to an impaired driver, who as it turns out was from Media here in Delaware County.

Now the Hannagans are getting behind an effort to stiffen the laws in Pennsylvania to attack drunk driving. Specifically, the measure sponsored by Sen. John Rafferty, a Republican who represents parts of both Chester and Montgomery counties, would require even a first-time DUI offender who registered a blood-alcohol level of more than 0.10 to use an ignition interlock device. It would require the driver to blow into it before being able to operate the car. Any trace of alcohol use would make the car inoperable. It's a common-sense way to attack one of the biggest problems on our roads - the driver who is well over the 0.08 th

reshold to be considered under the influence, as well as the repeat DUI offender.

We support the legislation. We believe you should too.

Read our editorial here.
