It's back! Time for Homes for the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

And once again we’d like to share some of that holiday spirit with our readers.

To that end, we once again will be rolling out one of our holiday favorites - Homes for the Holidays - in our feature Page Two photo spot. And we’d like you, our readers, to once again get involved.

If you spend hours on your holiday decorations and would like to see them featured in the paper, send us some photos and we’ll share the spirit.

Email your photos to

There are a few ground rules.

One - and the most important - there are no guarantees.

We will run a photo each day from this Sunday, Nov. 26 through Monday, Jan. 1. A quick use of our questionable math skills tells us that we likely will not be able to get every house in the county into the paper.

What we will try to do is at least cover every section of the county.

Join us in sharing the holiday spirit.

‘Tis the season.
