Getting shot down in Harrisburg

Yesterday it was Democrat Rep. Leanne Krueger-Braneky, D-161 of Swarthmore, who was less than thrilled with Harrisburg. Today's it's Republican Sen. Tom Killion, D-9 of Middletown.

Killion had a solid bill that would go a long way toward offering some real protection to victims of domestic abuse. It would mandate that they surrender their firearms - and not to a friend or relative - but instead to law enforcement or a licensed gun dealer.

How solid was the bill? It passed the Senate 50-0. That's right, unanimously.

Then it went over to the House, and that's where the problems started.

Amendments got tacked onto the bill in the House Judiciary Committee. Killion is not happy. He believes the initial intent of the bill has now been watered down.

You can get the details here.

On our editorial page, we note he was not the only Delaware County rep who faced a setback in the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. Jamie Santora, R-163 of Upper Darby, was pushing a bill that would expand gun background checks in the state, including sales at gun shows and putting long guns and rifles under the mandate. It went down on a 14-13 vote.
