I'm a big 'fan' of heat & humidity


Welcome to summer.

That's right, summer officially arrived at 6:07 a.m. And it feels like it out there, muggy, just the way I like it.

Go ahead, hate me.

I like it hot.

And humid.

I was thinking about this last night while lying in bed, listening to the majesty of what was outside.

That is correct. We had the windows open.

And the air-conditioning off.

Here's a confession.

I hate air conditioning. Oh, I don't mind it in the office. Of course, I usually wind up freezing and have to go outside for a walk to thaw out.

I like it hot and humid, with thick air that kind of clings to you like a wet sock.

I could not wait to get home last night to strip off my shirt and tie, throw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, grab the paper and beat a path to the deck, where I enjoyed the last few dying minutes of sun on the last day of spring.

Of course, I realize not everyone is a fan of hot, humid weather.

That would include my wife.

That makes for a bit of a dilemma. And an old-school solution. We bought an old-fashioned box fan.

It creates just enough air to keep my the Mrs. from overheating, and I can live with it since it doesn't make things frigid. Plus, you can move it from room to room with you.

There was something oddly reassuring lying there in bed last night, in my normal disarray, one leg under a sheet, one leg out, with the sound of the birds and the fan humming in the background.

Or maybe it was just the security of lying next to my wife.

Welcome, summer!

Bring on the heat.
