Pederson gets it right

I think Doug Pederson has it about right.

Time to move on.

In fact, I am considering using that mantra in just about all things involving President Trump.

We are playing right into his hands. This is what he wants. He craves the attention. It's all about him. He creates this phony issues so he can throw red meat to his base and we fall for it every time.

Pederson was not having it yesterday.

He met the media before the Eagles scheduled organized team activity. It was the first opportunity for the Birds to speak publicly after Trump rescinded his invitation for the traditional photo op at the White House. Pederson acknowledged that he would have liked to make the trip. But other than that, he declined to talk about the whole incident.

“This is going to be a blanket statement and then I’m not going to discuss it further,” Pederson said. “I was looking forward to going down there, obviously. We did something last season that was very special. It was a milestone here in the city for our organization and I was looking forward to going down and being recognized as world champions. It is what it is. We’re here today, we’ve got an OTA practice and we’re focused on these next couple of days, getting through next week and on to training camp.”

Good for him.

Now I suggest the rest of us do likewise.

Or we can talk about the Phillies.

Uh, never mind.
