The worst thing about the Eagles' loss

Want to know the worst thing about the losing to the Saints Sunday?

Well, this is probably going to be different than most people's reactions.

That's because for most of my life sports, in particular the Phillies, Eagles, Sixers and Flyers, was life and death.

Especially the Eagles.

That changed last February, when the Eagles finally delivered something other than hearbreak to the faithful, including me. They won. We had a parade.

They now join the pantheon of the Phillies 2008 World Series champions.

I have been dealing with this reaction all season. When the Eagles struggled early in the season, it did not have the same sting as all those seasons of disappointment.

But now I have to face something even bigger.

One of the best things about the Eagles Super Bowl run last year, and their late push into the playoffs this year, is that it took my mind off something else.

Something I have trouble with every year.

In fact, something that seems to only be getting worse rather than better.

I hate winter. And cold weather.

It happens to me every year right after New Year's, as we start to take down the Christmas decorations.

The next 90 days to me is just nothing but drudgery.

It's cold and dark.

It's dark when I drive into the office. It's dark when I drive home.

Every day the TV weather folks are kind enough to remind us of the next storm on the horizon.

Now they are already talking about a storm this weekend.

Last year the Eagles gave us a full month of taking our minds off winter.

That all ended last night.

It' enough to make you pull the covers up over your head and stay there until spring.

Call me on April Fool's Day.
