How do we stop this kind of gun violence?

They were marching through the streets of Media, but their hearts and minds were several hundred miles south.

In Virginia Beach.

Yes, the nation is reeling from another mass shooting.

And again, the danger is in allowing this kind of insane violence to ever be considered 'normal.'

It is not.

And hopefully it never will be.

But none of that gets us any closer to a solution.

In this latest instance, a longtime city engineer emailed his resignation to his bosses, then showed up at the office a few hours later and started shooting.

When he was - killed in a shootout with police - 12 innocent people were dead, 11 of them co-workers and one contractor who simply had come to seek a construction permit.

The suspect was not being fired - and in fact was not in danger of losing his job. He had received satisfactory work reviews and did not appear to have a grudge against anyone in the office.

So in an instance like this, when a seemingly normal person who acquires guns legally becomes unhinged, how do you stop - or at least limit the carnage?

We talk about it on today's editorial page.
