Northern & western suburbs alert!

Here are the key words you should keep in mind today: Northern and western suburbs.
The over-under on the number of times you hear that phrase stands at 35. I’m taking the over.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re going to get some kind of weather event today. Just what that is remains to be determined.

But the blathering about is already going full force. Most of it surrounds the mysterious “northern and western suburbs.” Just where exactly these are actually located remains something of a geographic puzzle.

I used to think Delaware and Chester counties were the western suburbs. Now it seems they extend to Lancaster. The northern ‘burbs? I’m thinking Yardley and Doylestown. Who knew the area now extends to Allentown and the Poconos.

How convenient that some of the local TV stations now have “Lehigh Valley bureaus.” All the better to stick a ruler in the snow. After all, they get more snow in Allentown than they do in Clifton Heights, don’t they?

Here’s the deal. We’re going to get a combination of glop today, with the possibility of snow, rain and ice all falling at some point this afternoon.
Who gets how much likely will depend on where you live.

Plan on everybody and their mother pouring out of offices and schools at the first sign of snowflakes, bringing all traffic to an immediate halt.

And if you live in the “northern and western suburbs.” Well, if you can figure out where that is, it might be a good day to just pull the covers up over your head.
