Spinning the hits

Heard this one on the campaign trail yesterday and just had to smirk.

Bill Clinton, the would-be first husband, was out on the stump in Pottstown pushing the candidacy of his better half, Hillary.

He was talking about the disputed delegates in Florida and Michigan.

Here’s a surprise. The Clintons think they should count.

I think I heard something like this:

“We Democrats, we think every vote counts,” Bill said.

Yeah, right.

Hillary desperately needs those delegates, and just about everything else to fall in line to have a shot at winning this thing.

Do you think that if the situation was reversed and it was Hillary in the catbird’s seat, that they might be singing a different tune. Something like this:

“Hey, we’re Democrats. We follow the rules. The party leaders in Florida and Michigan knew the deal and they decided to flout them anyhow. Now they’re paying for it.”

Don’t hold your breath. This is politics, and you bend the issues however you need them.

I think they call that spin.
