Thank God for the remote control

Get those fingers limbered up folks. They’re likely going to get another workout tonight.

In case you haven’t noticed, there will be two major events on TV tonight.

Yes, I know it is hard to believe, but there is life outside the Phillies.

There is another little matter that will be contested this evening. Maybe you’ve heard of these teams.

I refer to Team McCain and Team Obama.

That’s correct, the third and final presidential debate will take place tonight.

Actually, you might be able to catch a few innings of the Phillies game before the debate kicks off.

First pitch of Game 5 of the NLCS is at 8:22. The candidates will not step to the podium at Hofstra University to hash out their differences on domestic policies until 9 p.m.

Maybe the Phillies already will have chased Dodgers starter Chad Billingsley by that time.

The debate will be on the major networks. The Phillies game will be on Fox.

Nationally, it will be no-contest. The debate should swamp the baseball game. I am guessing it probably will do so in Los Angeles as well.

Here? I’m not so sure. So here’s the deal? What will you be watching tonight. I know what I will be doing.

Burning up the remote control, flipping furiously back and forth.

That’s if I can stay awake that long.
