A four-letter word (non-Chase Utley division)

Let’s get this out of the way quickly.

If you’ve turned on your TV this morning, you’ve probably already heard it.

Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow morning.

For the TV folks, it’s “Joy to the World.” For the rest of us, it’s merely the first in what will be a seemingly endless three months of drudgery. Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were cheering on those boys of summer, listening to the Phils on the radio out on the porch on another steamy summer night.

Even the thrill of the World Series is now just a distant memory, replaced by a single word: Winter. And another one: Cold. And this one: Miserable. And of course our favorite four-letter word (non-Chase Utley division): Snow.

They say we might actually get a coating out of this “so-called” storm. I haven’t heard anyone calling for the “Storm of the Century” as yet. I’m sure we likely will before the winter is over.

For now, we will be deluged all day with the TV folks in a tizzy over a dusting of snow. I’m not sure if it will accumulate to be able to stick a ruler in it, but I have no doubt some enterprising reporter will do just that, or at least try to.

Is it spring yet?
