How 'tweet' it is

Life is tweet.

Yes, I have taken the next step in my transformation from print dinosaur to new media guru.

In other words, I have joined Twitter. Now if I only understood it what you’re supposed to do with it. If you can help me out, feel free.

For those who like me who were unaware until recently of what exactly Twitter is, or how you are supposed to communicate using a message with no more than 140 characters, feel free to join in. Those short, and hopefully sweet updates are known as “tweets.” They are supposed to answer the question, “What are you doing?”

What am I doing? I’m drowning in technology and information, as usual.
Most of the time, I want to do nothing more than to simply unplug from all this information, stick a chair in the sand, curl up with a good book, and not communicate with anyone for hours.

That’s not going to happen anytime soon.

If there are any tech-savvy folks who can offer an aging dinosaur a hand as to exactly what I’m supposed to be doing with all this technology, you can post a comment on this blog.

Or you can join me here.

See you in cyberspace.
