Hooping it up at Senior Games

It’s official. I’m old.

I participated in the Delco Senior Games yesterday morning. It was a blast.

I was joined by a couple of colleagues here at the Daily Times, columnist Gil Spencer and sports columnist Jack McCaffery, in a basketball match against some Delaware County officials at the Rocky Run YMCA.

First things first. I was stunned when I got there. The place was mobbed. Maybe I need to get out more. I couldn’t believe how many people were there of all ages.

When I walked into the gym, it was packed with a lot of people older than I am shooting hoops.

It made me realize that there are a plenty of folks out there who actually have lives. I sometimes forget that. I have a tendency to think the world begins and ends here in front of this computer screen in Primos.

It doesn’t. I should get out of the office more often.

I can not tell you the last time I was on a hardwood basketball floor.
It has to be 25 years ago, back when I played on a team at the first paper I worked at out in Chester County.

I’m happy to say I survived. So has my shot. I still have a little game, although I was glad no one decided to play full court.

As for the game, we prevailed, but really who cares. I was having too much fun to keep track.

County Councilman Tom McGarrigle captained the county team, joined by Treasurer Jack Dowd and Network Supervisor John Barton. They got an assist off the bench from a sharp-shooting Mark Manfre, from parks and recreation. I’m glad I didn’t draw the job of guarding him. He would have worn me out.

So I’m over 50. In fact I am bearing down on 54 at the end of the summer. I don’t feel like it. Yesterday morning proved that to me.

Now I just have to get out there more often and prove it.

Players included, from left, Delaware County Treasurer Jack Dowd, Councilman Tom McGarrigle, Daily Times Editor Phil Heron, columnist Gil Spencer, sports columnist Jack McCaffery and John Barton, the county’s network supervisor.
