Let it rain

I am often heard lamenting our weather here in the Delaware Valley. In fact, I have been known to champion a new slogan our fine state:

“Welcome to Pennsylvania, world’s worst weather, 365 days a year.”

That said I am eternally grateful for small miracles.

OK, miracle might be a tad strong. But we are being drenched this morning, due to get as much as an inch of rain.

I’ll take it. On Jan. 25, it is going to be close to 60 degrees today.
All that rain could very easily be snow. I’m told that the rain that is falling on the county today would equate to about 2 feet of snow.

Now if we could just figure out what the strange gas smell is that has been lingering over much of the county since last night.

And no, it is not the last remnants of the Eagles season.
