How tweet it ain't in Lower Merion

Big Brother has nothing on the folks in the Lower Merion School District, if the claim made in a class-action lawsuit is to be believed.

In one of the more bizarre stories to come down the pike recently, the parents of a Harriton High School have filed suit against the district, claiming school officials were spying on their son via a Web cam in the laptop computer issued to him by the district.

The claim is that the district activated the Web cam remotely, and was keeping tabs on the kid because they suspected inappropriate activity.

Some people refer to that as spying.

This all came to light because the student was disciplined in school for inappropriate behavior at home. The evidence apparently was gained through a photo taken by the Web cam on the laptop.

Now students, parents and civil liberties experts are all crying foul.
It’s hard to blame them.

Ain’t technology great?

There is now some conjecture that using the Web cam in such a manner might violate wiretapping laws.

Tweet this, Lower Merion.
