Snow daze

Very funny, Punxsutawney.

Actually, this stopped being funny Friday night, when it became clear that for once, the forecast was right on the money.

Yes, we got hammered.

And guess what? It’s about to happen again. At least if the forecast again holds true.

Even as we continue to dig out from 28.5 inches of snow from Saturday’s storm, the National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for Tuesday night into Wednesday.

I guess that’s why so many local schools are operating on a two-hour delay this morning. OK, I’ll spare you the rant about schools and the way they deal with weather, which often seems to fly in the face of what the rest of us in the real world deal with.

Then again, if they had to navigate Oak Avenue, as I did as I headed into the office this morning, they might have a point. Someone must have forgotten Oak, which remained snow-covered this early a.m..

No doubt the thought of more snow is going to be less than music to the ears of the folks in Ridley Park, who are the winners of the Blizzard of 2010 Derby with a snow total of 30 inches.

Officially at the airport the snowfall checked in at 28.5 inches. That makes it the second biggest snowfall in local history, following only the 30-inch storm of the century from back in January 1996.

We’re also bearing down on the all-time record for snowfall in a single winter.

Right now we’re sitting at 56.3 inches of snow. The record is 65.5 inches, again set in the winter of 1996.

That might fall Tuesday night, when anywhere from 6-12 inches is expected to arrive, with snow falling in time for the Tuesday night rush hour.

I give up.

Yesterday I huddled in my official University of Colorado Snuggie and watched golf on TV, soothed by gorgeous sunshine and 70-degree temperatures from Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles.

I’m reminded of a headline I once wrote that I just might have to dust off tomorrow: Take this weather and shovel it.

