Calling all community journalists

I have been a little overwhelmed at the response to my call for bloggers and community journalists.

I guess I should not have been so taken aback. After all, I answer the phones here every day. I know our readers our passionate, as well as opinionated. And they’re not shy about telling you exactly what is on their mind.

It should not surprise me that they would love an opportunity to express those views on our Web site.

I received about 70 responses to my call for bloggers. Many of them are now being featured on our Web site. One lady does her own version of a Letterman Top 10 list; we have two guys writing a beer blog; we have picked up Laura Nachman’s popular blog on local radio and TV activities.

Some, like Nachman, have established blogs. Others, like Mary Ann Fiebert, is new at this, at least with us.

What I’d really like to focus on now is, rather than a themed topic like fitness, or cooking, is real community news.

We now feature blogs that are focusing on Media and Chester. I want more.

If you think you have what it takes to cover your town, if you have a nose for news and would like to supplement our coverage, let me know.

Send an e-mail with some details, and maybe a sample of your writing. If you like, give me a call and we’ll talk about this brave new world of community journalism.

There was a time, not that long ago, when we were literally the only voice out there. I like to think we are still an authoritative voice on what is happening here in Delaware County. But we are far from alone.

I invite you to join the process. I want you to go to the window and scream, “I’m sick and tired and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Actually, you can just send me an e-mail to
