Nagging issue dogs Sestak

Joe Sestak and Pat Toomey barely took a couple of hours to celebrate their primary wins when it was right back on the campaign trail yesterday.

Toomey wasted no time airing the first of what undoubtedly will be an endless series of TV ads. The spot that aired yesterday referred to the Democrat Sestak as a good man, then went on to point out there is a “clear difference” between the two.

The ad goes down a checklist of key differences between the two, on the economic stimulus plan, bailouts, health care reform.

It looks like this campaign is going to be about issues. While there was little difference in terms of their stances between Sestak and Specter, which led the two to exchange personal attacks, that won’t be the case in the fall vs. Toomey.

But Sestak has yet to put to rest one nagging issue from the primary.
And it popped up again in Washington.

White House aides were quizzed once again about Sestak’s statements that he was offered a job by the White House to get out of the Democratic primary against Specter. Sestak, while confirming that he simply answered a question honestly, has been trying to put the matter behind him. He dismisses the ensuing flap as “politics.”

He better get used to being asked about it.

Yesterday the White House again refused to say if Sestak was offered a job in exchange for dropping his challenge to Specter.

Despite trying to move on, Sestak again stood by his statement in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

Reporters brought up the issue during the daily briefing by the White House. The response from White House press secretary Robert Gibbs? “I don’t have anything to add.”

Yesterday Republican National Committee boss Michael Steele joined the conversation, saying the American public is still looking for a straight answer from the White House on the issue.

This one’s not going to go away.

What exactly Sestak and the White House plan to do about it remains to be seen.


Dannytheman said…
I think this, and his military record, should be open for review.

He was a 3 star Vice Admiral and retires as a 2 Star Rear Admiral?