A nagging question for Sestak

Joe Sestak is quickly talking himself into a corner.

Just days after knocking off Sen. Arlen Specter for the Democratic nomination, the retired admiral found himself on the talk show circuit Sunday morning.

As you might guess, he was asked about a nagging issue from the campaign. That would be his admission that someone in the White House offered him a job to get out of the race, thus clearing the path to renomination for the longtime incumbent Specter, who had switched parties at the urging of no less than President Obama, Vice President Joe Bidenand Gov. Ed Rendell.

Once again, Sestak did not take evasive action. He simply answered, Yes.” But aside from that, he continues to brush off inquiries as to who exactly it was that made the offer as “politics.”

Sestak was on NBC’s Meet the Press and was pressed on the issue by David Gregory. Aside from confirming the offer, Sestak clammed up, saying “anything that goes beyond that is for others to talk about.”

I’m not sure it’s going to be that easy. Nor do I think it’s going to go away.

Staff writer Alex Rose updates the situation today. You can read his story by clicking here.

I don’t doubt that the offer was made. My guess is that kind of thing happens all the time in the “wink, wink, nod, nod” world of power politics.

Sestak’s mistake, if you could call it that, was confirming it.

He was not exactly the favorite in White House circles for his campaign against their new pal Specter. It’s likely his handling of the job-offer brouhaha is not going over all that well either.

For now the White House continues to use evasive actions, in essence dodging the question.

Don’t look for this one to go away anytime soon.

And don’t look for Sestak or the White House to change their position either.
