I'll drink to that

I was just about to jump all over Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett for his remarks on the jobless when something else caught my mind.

If you missed it, the attorney general who would like to move into the governor’s mansion has been under fire for comments he gave during a TV interview that amounted to calling the unemployed lazy, that they’d rather collect benefits than go out and try to find a job.

He’s been retreating ever since, when he wasn’t ducking for cover as organized labor and Democrats blistered him for his stance.

“I regret that in that one statement, I may not have been clear or complete as I possibly could,” Corbett said.

Ya think?

But in an interview with the Associated Press, Corbett said something else that caught my eye.

Corbett indicated he wanted to explore the possibility of privatizing the state’s liquor and wine business as part of the effort to pull the state out of its economic morass.

I’ll drink to that.

This will not come as a big secret to anyone who reads these rants religiously.

My own personal crusade is to get Pennsylvania out of the liquor business. I want to be able to grab a six-pack and a bottle of wine while I am doing my grocery shopping.

I don’t want to make one trip for a six-pack, another for a case of suds, and one more for wine or liquor.

I’d love to be able to grab a six-pack at my local convenience store.

I know the unions are against this move. So are the beer distributors.

But I’m saying it’s time. And while I found Corbett’s comments on the unemployed unthinkable, I salute his move to look at getting Pa. out of the booze business.

In fact, I’ll drink to that.
