Next up for our pal Ben Franklin

In the euphoria over the fact that Pennsylvania actually put a budget in place before the deadline (even if Gov. Rendell hasn’t actually signed off on it yet), one thing got lost.

The state’s economy is still on shaky ground.

And there is a fiscal nightmare roaring down the tracks, coming right at us.

It has to do with the state’s severely underfunded two large public employee pension plans.

As part of our weeklong series on the property tax dilemma, staff writer Alex Rose offers this update. There has been some progress in the state House on the issue, but it’s far from resolved. And make no mistake, we are all going to pay.

Our series, ‘Taxed to the Max, the Property Tax Dilemma,’ grew out of our Ben Franklin Project. At the heart of that idea is bringing readers more directly into our newsgathering operation.

We’re not about to abandon Ben now. I am looking for even more ways to engage readers. I want you to submit photos and video. I want you to write blogs. I want you to suggest stories and even some of the questions we ask.

In short, I want you to think of yourselves as our partner.

It’s a new idea, both for us and for you, readers.

Let’s put our heads together and work toward making Delaware County a better place to live.
