Who has the hottest job in Delco?

We have breaking news. It’s hot outside.

Imagine that. In July.

Of course, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill heat. We’re talking about the pretty good possibility of hitting triple digits today. As in 100 degrees.

We’ll have full coverage of the great heat wave of 2010. But here’s what I’m really interested in.

I want to know who has the hottest job in Delco? Is it a roofer? A landscaper?

Do you know someone who has to put up with this stinking heat all day outside.

In honor of our recently completed Ben Franklin Project, we will continue to seek out our readers’ thoughts and keep asking you to suggest material for us.

So here’s your chance. Who has the hottest job in Delco.

Either post a comment on this blog, or e-mail me at editor@delcotimes.com with your suggestions.

Altogether now: How hot is it?
