Don't let the bedbugs bite

Philadelphia is coming up short to the Big Apple in one more contest.
Only this time that’s fine by us.

The results of the great bedbug sweepstakes are in. I know you’ve been itching to hear about them.

The bad news? We’re No. 2. New York is even worse. They’re on top of the heap, A No. 1, when it comes to the fiendish littler critters.

Look at it this way: We just lost the World Series of bedbugs to the Big Apple. They can have 'em.

The bug company Terminix did the survey and compiled the rankings.

Probably not something you want to include in your next promotional campaign.

It’s better when you stay overnight? Sure, and it’s even better without the bedbugs.

Bedbugs and you: Perfect together. Uh, not exactly.

The big problem with this is the risk that every time you visit the Big Apple or Philly, you take some of these little devils home with you.

The bloodsuckers seem to be popping up all over the place.

One clean in Philly said she actually changes clothes each night before she heads home.

Now that bites.
