Rendell to Dems: Work on the message

9 a.m.: Another bad sign for Democrats. Gov. Ed Rendell appears to be going into damage mode.

The guv was on early-morning TV news show and said the Democrats' message was off the mark. Rendell believes that if Dems get blown out on Election Day, they can point to a muddled message to voters.

"We've got to learn to explain and communicate what we've done a lot more clearly," Rendell said.

Speaking on CBS' "The Early Show," Rendell advocated for an end to partisan divisions no matter the outcome of Tuesday's elections, according to an AP report. He says both parties should "call a timeout" from bickering and address the country's problems.

Rendell says the government needs to focus on job-creation, particularly in manufacturing. He said good-paying jobs would be available if more money were invested in infrastructure.
