Don't mess with Mother Nature

Just keep repeating after me.

It’s less than a month until March 20.

It’s less than a month until March 20.

That would be the first day of spring.

In the meantime, you have to admit Mother Nature has a fairly devious sense of humor, and a lousy sense of timing.

It was just a few days ago when she dangled the carrot of a near-70 degree day in our faces.

Break out the flip-flops, shorts and T-shirts, right?

So much for that. Today it’s back to boots, gloves and scarves. Hope you didn’t put away the snow shovel. We have 5 inches of snow on sidewalks and driveways.

Don’t get too scared off by the folks on TV and radio. Conditions on the road aren’t really all that bad.

Of course, that did not stop local schools from going to a two-hour delay.

The snow couldn’t arrive yesterday, when schools were closed for the Presidents Day holiday anyhow.

Very funny, Mother Nature. Now can we put away the rock salt and snow blowers?
