Deer me

I set a personal record on the drive to work this morning.

Over the past 29 years, I’ve gotten pretty adept at dodging deer.

Not sure what was going on this morning, but the critters were out in force, and not in the places I usually encounter them.

I’m pretty much used to Providence Road, from West Chester Pike to the Y at Rose Tree Park being something of a deer obstacle course.

What I’m not used to is seeing a huge deer standing smack in the middle of the main street that goes through my development.

After negotiating carefully past Bambi as she eyed me warily, I then headed out, only to see another deer standing still near the side of the road. This always leaves you with the question of whether to continue and hope the deer stays put, or stop and wait for it to do what it inevitably seems to do – dart out in front of you.

Once past that one, I headed on my way, only to come across two more, these more intent on tangling with my car. I managed to stop just as they darted right in front of me.

These two also proved a theory I have developed over the years. If you see a deer go across the road in front of you, stop. Do not make the mistake that you’re in the clear. Instead the deer is usually leading a pack that is about to follow her – and right in front of your car.

No, we don’t have a problem with deer overpopulation. Maybe we ought to just give them driver’s licenses, since they seem intent on sharing the road with us.

Deer me.
