More bad news at St. Kevin's

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia wants the good parishioners of St.

Kevin’s in Springfield to know that they have heard your pleas.

And it doesn’t make any difference.

St. Kevin’s School is still closing.

That was the message delivered by the archdiocese. And not even a massive billboard on the Schuylkill beseeching Archbishop Cardinal Justin Rigali to reconsider, saying he had been given bad information, was going to change their minds.

Instead the reiterated the cold, hard numbers, that low registration figures for next year coupled with a parish debt means that the school will not reopen.

You can read the full story here.

Apparently the decision to close the school was in fact reviewed, but the same decision was reached.

Mary Mackey, who joined me last week for a live-stream session of our ‘Live From the Newsroom’ show, remains undaunted. She still wants to hear from the one person who has remained silent in all this.

That would be Rigali.

I hope she’s not holding her breath.
