A big day for Chester

It's not a good day for all those folks who love to bash the city of Chester.

Take a long look at the front page of today’s print edition, and the image that also is emblazoned on the lead story on the website.

‘Boom Town.’

Sure, it might be a bit of an overreaction.

But it does not change the fact that Chester is one of just six cities in the nation selected for a special program that will target economically distressed cities that are turning around their circumstances and have brighter hopes for the future.

CLICK HERE to read about the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) program that will bring a bunch of federal economic advisers to Chester.

I resisted using one of the headlines that first came to mind:

Chester gets shot in arm.

Chester is turning itself around. One look at their riverfront proves that. It’s one of the reasons we used that iconic shot of the Commodore Barry Bridge on our Page One.

Hopefully the days of cruel jokes at the city’s expense are coming to an end.
