A serious case of the munchies


If you think the world has gone to pot, there is some more ammo for your argument this morning.

Especially if you happen to have a sweet tooth.

A company in Lansdowne is marketing candy in the shape of marijuana leaves. You can read about it here.

Naturally that has drawn much hew and cry from those believing it is luring kids into drug use. The company says that is not the case, that their candies are not marketed for children.

It should be stressed that there is nothing illegal in the sales.

I used to love those sweet candy cigarettes when I was a kid, yet I’ve never been a smoker, save for one fateful afternoon when my cousin and I surreptitiously decided to try our luck at puffing.

One throat full of smoke, followed by a hellacious coughing fit, cured me of any more inquisitiveness. I haven’t touched tobacco since.

I think kids are smart enough to figure it out. If they can navigate through the maze of Twitter, Facebook, texting, email and schoolwork they shoulder every day, for some reason I don’t see pot-shaped candy as all that big a threat.
