One more crisis in Chester Upland

A very interesting point has been raised by a parent of a student in the struggling Chester Upland School District.

If you’ve been preoccupied by the news that the archdiocese was shutting down a slew of high school and elementary schools, there are other serious education issues in Delaware County.

The Chester Upland School District is peering over the edge into the abyss. The district is flat-broke and what was once unthinkable is now a distinct possibility. The district could simply shut its doors.

Here’s the interesting angle. How is it exactly that they can bring a glittering casino that rakes in millions every month to Chester, but not be able to fund their schools?

How can they build a majestic soccer stadium along the waterfront, but not have most of the tools necessary to provide a decent education for the 3,700 kids stuck in these failing schools?

Now a group of parents is taking matters into their own hands. They are pushing an online petition to have the state intervene and advance the district its June subsidies.

You can sign the petition here.

There is a lot to like about Chester’s efforts to turn around its long faltering economy.

But none of that will mean a thing so long as its citizens continue to be saddled with the worst school district in the state.

A vigil will be held tonight to focus on the issue. You can read about that here.

And here is our editorial on the situation in Chester Upland.

The entire county should be ashamed that this is allowed to continue.
