At Bonner & Prendie, they believe in miracles

Do you believe in miracles? They do in Drexel Hill.

And the boosters who have rallied to save Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast high schools are hoping Archbishop Charles Chaput does as well.

And just in case he doesn’t, they have something else he might be interested in.


That’s how much money they’ve raised in the last month since an archdiocese Blue Ribbon Commission recommended both single-sex high schools be closed, along with seven elementary schools in Delaware County. In total, the archdiocese is looking to shutter 49 schools across the region.

We revisted what is being termed “the miracle of Drexel Hill” last night on our live-stream Internet broadcast, “Live From the Newsroom.” If you missed it, you can catch the replay here.

My thanks first and foremost to Bonner-Prendie Principal Bill Brannick, who was helpful in putting the panel together, along with Patti Groshon, who has proved quite the fundraiser.

A couple of things have now struck me about this story. One is that while the archdiocese made it clear they were not interested in talking about sentiment and tradition as they review the appeals filed by many schools, including Bonner-Prendie, that is clearly what is driving this astounding fundraising effort.

In this county, the single-sex traditions of Bonner and Prendie run deep. While most had resigned themselves to the idea that the schools would have to merge, no one really believed that both schools would be closed.

When hit with that cold slap in the face, they galvanized and took action.

You could hear the sentiment in their voices when Tricia Scepansky, a Prendie alum and parent of two Prendie students, spoke. The same goes for Shannon Mallon, a 2002 Prendie girl who came up with the @SaveOurSchoolBP Twitter account that has been pushing the message.

Tom Meakim, the longtime basketball coach at Bonner, spoke reverently of the long tradition of outstanding athletes who have walked the halls there.

And Anne Marie Montgomery, another Prendie alum, reinforced that the notion of raising $5 million to ensure the future viability of the school was within reach.

Brannick also delivered a bit of news. He confirmed that Chestnut Hill College was interested in utilizing the Prendie building, likely leaving a merged school to exist in the Bonner building.

That, of course, is if there’s a merged school at all. For now we will wait. Archbishop Chaput has indicated he will make his ruling on the appeals somewhere around Feb 15.

He could deliver the perfect Valentine’s gift to the Bonner-Prendie extended family.

Forget having lots of heart. These people are putting their money where their mouths are.

Keeping the faith. And hoping to “buck” a trend.
