A novel way to do business

A most interesting thing happened to me recently.

I had an encounter with a business – and the guy did something that I have not had happen to me in a long time.

It involved an issue with my car. I took it to his shop to have it looked at.

He gave me an estimate – the job was likely going to cost about $700. Then he did the damnedest thing. He told me there was a chance I didn’t need it at all.

I almost spit my teeth out.

He easily could have just done the work, pocketed the money and never blinked an eye.

That’s not what he did.

As it turns out, that was exactly the case. It turned out I didn’t really need to have this work done.

He took money out of his own pocket – and put it back in mine.

He did something else as well.

He won a customer for life.

Maybe there’s a lesson there for newspaper people and just about every other business.

The first time I visited his shop, he recognized the name and asked if I was the editor of the Daily Times. I gave him the usual wise-guy response I offer when asked that on the street: That depends on who wants to know.

He told me he grew up in Delco and reads the paper all the time, although most of the time he now checks us out online.

I hope he reads this.

And accepts this humble thank you.
