Changes are coming to the comments section

Brace yourself, readers of Especially you folks who like to join the conversation and “comment” on the stories we post there.

Change is coming. Thursday.

We are tweaking our commenting procedures on the website. There’s a lot of reasons we’re doing that, but first and foremost is that we want to make it a better experience, with more thought and less mean-spirited nonsense.

No, we’re not looking to censor comments we don’t agree with. All you have to do is read the comments now to learn that’s not the case.

And readers will continue to be able to comment anonymously, although we will again ask you to register with an identity before commenting. We’ll also encourage readers to comment through their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Yes, you can make the argument that in essence will identify the commenter. But if you believe in what you’re saying – and are not embarrassed by it – why not stand behind it?

I do it every day. No, not everyone agrees with me, but they know where I stand, and they know that I am the author of The Heron’s Nest blog, as well as my print column.

Yes, I am aware that our daily editorial is unsigned. It is the position of the paper and the collective work of the editorial board, although it is usually penned by one member on any given day.

We will, at least for now, continue our policy of not moderating comments before they are posted. I know that leads to problems. But in all honesty what I am looking for is for our online community to take a big bigger role in this engagement. In essence, you can help us police the comments. Alert us when you think someone has crossed the line. That is not the same as merely disagreeing with what a reader has posted. You'd be surprised at how many people object to things they disagree with and urge us to take them down. That's not the way it works.

We will continue to flag objectionable material that readers alert us to; we also will be able to promote those 'posters' who offer high quality content through Twitter and Facebook accounts.

I’ll offer some more information on the changes tomorrow. The new commenting system will go into effect at noon Thursday.

If you have ideas you’d like to see implemented, post a comment on this blog, or email me at No profanity, please.

Above all else, this is being done to promote – not curtail – conversation and engagement with our readers.

Don’t sit on the sidelines. I know you have something to say. Now is the time to join the conversation.
