Wanda Mann is still president of the Chester Upland School Board.
This despite starring in a production not even Damon Feldman could dream up.
Mann paid a visit to Chester High this week. She wanted to talk to teacher Leslye Jordan, who had fired off a letter to the board and district attorney that was critical of the way the district had handled her request for an investigation into threats she says were being made about her.
Well, they did a little more than talk. Voices were raised. So were fists. A full-scale brawl broke out, right in front of students. After the two women were separated, they both sought hospital treatment.
As it turns out there was a regularly scheduled meeting of the school board last night. Not surprisingly, “The Fight” came up. You can read John Kopp’s coverage here.
The board voted 5-4 to allow Mann to keep her post while the matter is investigated. The vote was split along party lines. Mann cast the deciding vote with her Republican counterparts against a suspension. How convenient.
At a minimum, Mann should have stepped aside while the investigation is being done.
No criminal charges have been filed, although the matter is still being reviewed.
For her part, Jordan says she likely will not return to her teaching post. She also expressed regret for the message the incident sent to students. Mann declined to talk about the fight again last night, referring to it as a “personnel matter.”
Chester Upland has a “no-tolerance” policy when it comes to fighting among students.
Apparently that policy does not apply to the president of the school board.