Did someone forget Easter?

One of the great things about Monday is going through the voice-mails that collect over the weekend.

This morning I got one from a woman who calls from time to time vowing to sue the newspaper (uh, you have to get a number and get in line to do that), and several from people suggesting stories.

But there was one that struck a nerve.

A reader asked me to give him a call, and I vow that I will later today.

He said in his message that he noticed that there was almost no mention in the Sunday paper that it was Easter.

My heart kind of sank.

I grabbed a copy of the Sunday paper. I looked at the cover, then I started paging through it. With each page my heart sank a little more. He was right.

That’s our mistake. Yes, we make lots of them.

I know readers will try to construe this into something that it isn’t. They’ll insist it’s just the latest incident of us being anti-Catholic or anti-Christian.

It was neither of those. It was a simple oversight.

It shouldn’t have happened, but it did.

We’ll vow, as we always do, to do better.

And I expect our readers to hold us to it. Just as they always do.


DB said…
Not everyone forgot about Easter.