Go ahead & blame me: I like this weather!

Here's today's over/under, in honor of the first day of summer.

How many times do you think we'll be reminded today that it is hot out? I'll put the line at 50, and I'm taking the over.

Don't wait for me to complain. I happen to like this weather.

I was bummed last night when I got home to learn that my better half had already flipped the air-conditioning on. Not for me. I set up shop on the deck. Tonight I hope to back out there, despite the sauna-like conditions.

There is an excessive heat warning issued for the region for today and lasting into Friday. It could last until Labor Day for me.

Today marks the first day of summer, so why would anyone be surprised that it is hot out? I'd be more taken aback if it was in the 50s.

So bring on summer. Bring on the heat. Yes, and the humidity. I like it thick.

See you on the deck. Just me, the Phils on the radio, and a cool beverage in hand.

No sweat!
