So much for privatizing LCB

So much for my hope of offering a toast to the end of the LCB.

Oh, they debated the plan to sell off state stores yesterday in Harrisburg. Yeah, they talked about it. They’ve been talking about it for decades.

The problem is actually doing it.

This year doesn’t appear as if it’s going to be any easier. They talked about it for three hours yesterday, and all indications are they will talk about it some more today.

You can read about it here.

But the plan to get Pennsylvania out of the booze business isn’t going anywhere. Even if it comes to a vote in the House, it is not likely to be acted on in the Senate. That may have to wait until the fal.

I guess that’s progress. After all, it is the first time the plan has actually been debated in the House.

The plan being pitched by Rep. Mike Turzai, R-Allegheny, would replace the current network of 620 state stores with 1,600 privately owned ones.

The first ones in line for the new licenses would be current beer distributors, who would be allowed to sell alcohol and wine, as well as expanded beer offerings. Right now they’re limited to selling beer by the case, and are shut out of alcohol and wine altogether.

It’s being opposed by some anti-alcohol legislators and the union that represents state store workers.

Stopping by your local supermarket or beer distributor to grab a six-pack or maybe a bottle of wine for dinner?

Don’t hold your breath.

Instead, try to smile at the friendly state store employee as you stop there for your bottle of wine, the beer distributor for a case of beer, and maybe one more spot for a six-pack.

Yep, Land of Giants.
