Stick a cork in the celebration

Put down those glasses.

Stick a cork in the celebration.

There is no joy in Mudville, otherwise known as Pennsylvania. Mighty Mike Turzai has struck out.

If you were hoping for change in the archaic way this state handles the sale of alcohol, you’re out of luck. It’s enough to drive you to drink.

Rep. Turzai, R-Allegheny, emerged from a budget meeting yesterday and waved the white flag (as opposed to a bottle of White Label, I suppose). His proposal to sell off the state stores and sell the licenses to private operators is on hold. You can read about it here. He doesn’t have the votes. He says he’ll give it another “shot” (pardon another pun) in the fall. For now the focus of the Legislature is going to be on the budget.

I won’t hold my breath.

And here’s why.

I talked to one member of the local Delco delegation who was less than thrilled at the way Gov. Tom Corbett did not exactly get behind this effort.

Corbett made it clear when he was campaigning for governor that he was a supporter of privatizing the state store system as a way to raise much-needed revenue.

You wouldn’t know it by his silence on this issue once Turzai went out on a limb with his bill, only to have it sawed right out from under him by the staggering silence from the governor’s mansion.

I was told the measure was a measly three votes short in the House, and that no one stepped up to twist a few arms or dangle some inducement in order to collect the necessary votes.

The rep told me it was just the latest puzzling move by Corbett, amid a growing befuddlement among GOP factions as to what it is exactly that the governor stands for and will push.

If Tom Corbett really wanted to privatize the sale of wine and liquor in this state, it could have been done.

Instead, the governor says we need to focus on the budget battle, while maintaining he “wholeheartedly” favors privatization.

The fact that instead we saw Turzai fall on his sword yesterday tells you pretty much everything you need to know.

See you in the fall.

Or in the state store. Butr only if you're buying wine or liquor.

Or in the beer distributorship, but only if you’re buying a case.

Or in the local deli or tavern, but only if you’re buying a six-pack.

What a state.
