Why there are 2 editorials in today's paper

No, your eyes are not deceiving you.

There are in fact two editorials in today’s paper. It’s not a mistake.

The editorial that appears on P. 26 actually appeared first on Sunday.

We thought it was important enough to run it again today.

That’s because today is June 6.


We usually try to talk to a D-Day survivor and profile him on this momentous day. But they are becoming an increasingly rare breed.

Instead of letting the day pass without mention, we decided instead to re-run the editorial.

The message is simple. We should never forget what happened on June 6, 1944, 68 years ago today, on the beaches of Normandy.

It wasn’t too earth-shattering.

All those young Americans did was save the world.

And earn our eternal thanks. Even if it means re-running an editorial.
