'Live From the Newsroom' tackles Voter ID tonight

Voter ID is gone, but clearly not forgotten.

Thanks to last week’s court ruling, you will not have to show a photo ID in order to cast your vote. The law has been struck down, but only for this election. It likely will be in effect for later elections.

We’ll be talking about this controversial topic on our ‘Live From the Newsroom’ live-stream Internet show tonight.

I’ll be joined by one of the Legislature’s biggest boosters of Voter ID. That would be state Rep. Steve Barrar, R-160 of Concord Township. On the opposite side of this issue will be Rep. Margo Davidson, R-164, freshman legislator from Upper Darby. Both are running for re-election; Barrar is unopposed.

Most important, I’d like to know your views. Are you in favor of Voter ID? Are you glad that it will not be in effect for the November election? Or do you think it’s something that needs to be in place now.

Join us tonight at 7 on DelcoTimes.com. You can log on and take part in our live chat.

If you have a specific question you’d like to see the candidates answer, email it to me at editor@delcotimes.com.
