Recovery plan means school of hard knocks in Chester Upland

The Republicans on the Chester Upland School board have decided to draw a line in the sand.
They’re not happy with the draconian recovery plan drafted by Chief Recovery Officer Joe Watkins. They banded together Monday night and voted it down 5-4 on straight party lines.

That doesn’t mean the plan, which includes school closures and staff cuts, is not coming. It just means they just voted themselves out of any say in the process. The state now will go into court and petition to have the troubled district put back under state control and also appoint a receiver. A lot of people believe that receiver will be Joe Watkins.
So what did the GOP gain in voting it down?
The Republican members of the board talked about their decision yesterday. You can read John Kopp’s story here.
Board Vice President Baltazar Rubio said his group will fight “tooth and nail” against the plan.
That may be the case, but they will do so from outside, courtesy of the stand they took Monday night.
The GOP faction believes Watkins did not consider changes they urged him to make in the plan, in particular involving school closings and the strict timeline for meeting AYP markers.
School Board Solicitor Leo Hackett gave a hint at where all this is likely going to wind up. Surprise! Back in court.
The district had to go to court last spring to pry enough money out of the Corbett Administration to keep the doors open for the rest of the school year. And now it looks like they will have to go to court to seek changes in the plan.
The state has until Monday to file in court seeking a receiver for the district.
Hackett also points out this process is not automatic.
“The whole situation is not over yet,” he said. “It’s not the end of the issues.”
Democratis Board Member Anthony Johnson took another view of the GOP vote.
“To me, they’re crying over sour milk,” he said. “They voted no. They have to live with that. They just sold their community and their children out.”
Yep, see you in court.
