Happy Fat Tuesday!

Today is Fat Tuesday, traditionally the day of Bacchanalian excess that precedes the donning of sack cloth and ashes as we all repent for 40 days during Lent.

Here’s my problem. I’m not big on doughnuts. So it’s not likely I’ll be wolfing down any Fastnachts. And I’ve never been to New Orleans (although it’s on the Bucket List), so I probably will not be collecting any beads.

My guess is I will do pretty much what I do every other day. Work, drive home, swallow something, then collapse into bed.

Mr. Excitement, I’m not.

Maybe I should jet off to Rio for Carnival? On second thought, I think I’ll just ponder what to give up for Lent. I have the usual suspects lined up, but I’m open to new ideas. How about you? What do you do for Fat Tuesday, and what are you giving up for Lent. Post a comment or make a suggestion.

Happy Fat Tuesday!
