The Perfect Storm

Now that’s what I call the “perfect storm.”

That’s what dawned on me as I drove home last night. It was beautiful. A glistening snow was falling, draping everything in a lovely white blanket - except the roads. Since it had been so warm and was actually raining during the day, the snow melted on the streets, while covering the ground.


Which also got me to thinking of something else. We are awash in technology and science. We got bored putting men on the moon. Don’t you think we’d be able to devise a system that would not allow snow to stick to roads. Maybe they could put something in the asphalt?

I complain about winter all the time. I hate it. But as winters go, especially when it comes to snow, I can live with this. Snow lost its allure to me a long time ago. I don’t make snowmen any more. I don’t have delayed openings or closings because of the weather. Instead is just complicates my job.

Now they are talking about another storm arriving Friday night. Here’s to another perfect storm, white on the grass, and wet pavements.

And an early spring.

