How long do you think it will take to select the new pope?

Welcome March!

Pay no attention to those TV newscasters talking about the possibility of snow next week. And yes, I know we have traditionally had some of our biggest storms in March. It's not going to happen.

And I'm willing to bet on it.

Speaking of betting, I decided to have a little fun yesterday on my Facebook page with something else in the news you may have heard about.

On the very first day of March, Roman Catholics (of which I consider myself a proud member) find themselves dealing with something that has not happened in more than 600 years.

No, not one of the good sister admitting maybe they went over the edge a bit in rapping our knuckles with those heavy brass rulers.

We are without a leader. Popeless, you might say.

Pope Benedict XVI abdicated his post yesterday afternoon, whisked away from the Vatican in a white helicopter to become a 'simple pilgrim,' as he referred to it.

Now all eyes are on the conclave of cardinals and the selection of the next pontiff.

Here's what I was wondering: How long to you think this will take?

I actually set a line on it. I put it at a week, and I am taking the over. It appears as if the conclave will start sometime early next week.

So what do you think? How long do you think it will take? Post a comment and let me know.
