The Harrisburg follies

I'm not the only one who is trying to figure out exactly what happened to Gov. Tom Corbett's "big three" legislative agenda.

The governor was seeking - actually demanding - legislative action on privatization of liquor sales, funding for mass transit, and pension reform. He want 0-for-3.

I offer my thoughts in my print column today.

It turns out some conservatives also are pointing fingers in the guv's direction, in particular in the area of his failing to get the Legislature to back his call to privatize liquor sales in the Commonwealth. The Pa. Independent has that story here.

The bottom line is this. Corbett is a Republican, with GOP majorities in both the Senate and House. And what did he get from the Legislature? Zero. Nada. Zilch.

It says a lot about the way this state is governed, as well as the increasingly split factions even among Republicans and Democrats in the Capitol.

In the meantime, not much gets done, unless you count the mandatory minimum of getting a balanced budget passed on time as major achievement.



The budget might be "balanced" but the state is not paying its bills.
The check is not even in the mail...