I have a love-hate relationship with technology.

I love what it allows us to do; I hate getting there.

I hope you noticed that we rolled out a new design for DelcoTimes.com yesterday.

I assure you getting there was not easy. Being the resident dinosaur, I have been dragged kicking and screaming into one more piece of technology.

We survived Day One. At least I think I did.

It all seems so simple. You flip on your laptop and – Voila! – there it is. All the news you could ever want. Getting it to appear there is a bit of a different animal.

I got into this business because I loved writing and the art of printed communication. I loathed all things math and science.

So of course all these years later I find myself up to my ears in technology; our very future in this business now depends on our ability to adapt and deliver news across many platforms.

So it is into the technology sea I wade early every morning.

Wish me luck.

But really do more than that. Tell me what you think of our new site. If you have complaints or suggestions – and I’m not averse to hearing a few compliments if you are so inclined – email them to me at editor@delcotimes.com.

Speaking of technology, we have heard loud and clear from all our mobile app users that our sites had not been updated for several days. Our tech gurus finally corralled the situation and the sites should be up to date now.

It turns out it was connected to the new website interfering with the old one. Why am I not surprised.
