'Live From the Newsroom' talks about Chester

We didn't solve all the problems facing the city of Chester last night. But I still think it's a big part of the solution.

In the wake of the slaying of the manager of the Rite Aid manager several weeks ago in the city, some residents resurrected an old complaint - how this newspaper often portrays the city.

At the time I offered to either come to the city or hold a forum here at the Daily Times.

Last night we did just that.

If you missed our live-stream broadcast, 'Live From the Newsroom,' you can catch the replay here.

My thanks to a great panel:

* Mayor John Linder.

* Police Commissioner Joe Bail.

* Chester City Blogger Stefan Roots.

* Community Activist Joe Kane.

* Community Activist Kenny Covert.

* Bryan Miller and the Rev. Anita Littleton, who are bringing a new program, "Heeding God's Call," to the city.

The mayor reviewed 'Operation Old School,' a zero tolerance plan including more cops on the street, that he rolled out to battle the latest flare-up in violent crime. Our editorial on the new measure is here. One of the things I wanted to stress during the show, to address the complaint that we delight in portraying the city in a negative light, is just not the case.

Does a high-profile murder land on Page One. Yes, and it will continue to do so. Very likely regardless where it occurs.

But I also pointed out all the other stories and events we cover in the city all the time, things like the Riverfront Ramble and Chester Photo Day.

I remain convinced Chester is poised for great things. I don't think I'm the only one. The people who joined me last night think the same way.

It's location, being a crucial fixture on the Delaware River, and its proximity to mass transit and the airport, make it a key site.

Covert in particular expressed his exasperation at how quick young people are willing to settle a dispute with a gun.

There was a time when that was done with words, or fists. Now instead young people are simply pulling the trigger.

Chester is dealing with that problem.

Last night I hope we helped with that mission.
