A 'Sad' time indeed

I attended a wedding Saturday, so I was grateful for that extra hour of sleep as we "fell back" to standard time Sunday morning.

But I knew what was coming, that I would soon be paying the price.

It happened Sunday afternoon. With the Eagles playing a 4 o'clock game out on the Left Coast against Oakland, my wife and I took advantage of a gorgeous fall Sunday to go for a walk and check out the colors.

It was while I was gazing at nature's dazzling displays that it hit me. I noticed the sun seemed to be at a different angle.

It was.

And it proved it just a couple hours later, when I noticed just after the Eagles game started that the sun was already fading.

By 4:30 it was almost dark.

I hate it.

And I hate winter.

There, I said it. I go through this pretty much every year. It's bad enough that I finally broke down this morning and broke out a winter coat for the first time. Now I am also dealing with the reality that I will drive to work in the dark, and drive home in the dark as well.

I'm a summer guy. Give me a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, and 90 percent humidity, and I'm a happy camper. They tell me that people who feel the way I do may actually suffer from something called SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder.

It stems from the lack of light we get in winter.

Whatever it is, I have it.

How many days until we turn the clock back again.


Anonymous said…
Maybe we should light up our neighborhood's with the bright street lights that are around Temple University. The bright lights also seems to cut down on the crime in that area.